Saturday, January 30, 2010

Love Reminder


Once upon a certain time, we were told to love one another if we want to follow JESUS CHRIST. For me, it was a checkpoint, I would continue in the pain if I truly love my men. Then a promise I had to make with myself. A promise to CHRIST as well, and that’s to love my men like I love GOD.

Dear Love,
Why do you suck?
It seems like when I try towards you,
I always get burned.
The madness always comes thorough,
It always begins each time I get rid of you.
Could you do me a favor,
And just leave me…
For good?

A hard promise that I need to maintain. Oh LORD, my GOD, I need YOU now. I made a promise to myself, but more importantly to YOU. Why is it hard for me to let go fully and rely on what is true, which is YOU?

Dear Myself,
Why don’t you surrender everything to HIM?
It would be that much easier for you,
I know things aren’t going your way lately,
But do you think GOD has something to do with it?
I bet HE does!
Then just simply shift control over…

“Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” Easier said than done, but why? I cannot wrap my mind around it! Why is our human nature so idiotic? And why I have to question every single thing?

Dear Mind,
Why do you question everything?
Why did you let philosophy corrupt your mind?
It would be much easier, you see,
If we all quit questioning everything that comes our way, right?
Then why don’t we do that than?

Once I surrender it all to God above, life would be simpler. Yes, I will go through some hard times, like now, but I need to remind myself that if I truly love my men, I will go through this heart-ache and all these troubles for them. Do so, and love them. Fulfill the promise you made, to yourself, and to GOD.

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