Sunday, January 3, 2010

"Go and Radiate My Glory"

“Go and Radiate My Glory”

Hello everyone again, it’s another blog written by me, for my blog site, for you to read. Hope ya’ll enjoy this blog this time around. The last time I did a blog thing similar to this was almost a month ago, Sunday, December 6th, 2009, with “December to Remember to Forgot to Remember to Forgot that it’s December.” So this will be an update, in ways, since then.

Schools done. Failed my metaethics class, but that’s expected. The professor wanted more from me in the class than I had to give, and with me having a bad memory and it’s difficult for me to memorize the handouts for the exams, I had no chance. Not trying to make an excuse, but wanting to state a fact. And having a couple of classmates from metaethics with me in epistemology, I talked to one of them and he memorized the handouts and the best grade he got on the exams were an A-, because, something along the lines of “you pretty much spat out my handout, I wanted your own work.” That’s sad, and which is why I got a hardcore metaethical fail in that class.

My epistemology and social and political philosophy classes (my other two philosophy classes for the semester), I got B-‘s in that class, and I’m super excited for that, I was expecting C’s in those two classes. Thank the Lord that I got B-‘s in those two classes.

The poetry class I took, I got an A. Pretty happy with that. Thanking the Lord for getting an A, two B-‘s, and an F. Weird that I am thanking Him for an F, but I could have got even worse grades for my other three classes.

Besides finals week for me for classes, been writing for Been one of the “regular” bloggers/writers for Eric Gargiulo. Good stuff, I guess. I don’t like to brag about my wrestling writings. All I will say is check them out. I have them linked out on my facebook page. So if you’re reading this through following my blogs/writings with, add me on facebook. Mention in the message that you read my articles on CCB and you read this blog.

Writing for is something I always wanted to do, I guess. Well, writing about professional wrestling. It’s been my passion since forever. I do it for free, which surprises a lot of people, and I do it for free because if it’s God’s plan for my life after college to bring Him most glory, this could be a step in the door for me into getting a paid job doing this. And if this isn’t what God’s plan for my life after college, and He wants me to stop doing this, I can officially say I wrote for a professional wrestling site writing about professional wrestling. Finally fulfilling my lifelong dream.

Talking about God’s plan and will for my life….

TCX. Twin Cities Xperience. Monday, December 28th, 2009, to Friday, January 1st, 2010. The three speakers were Millie Welsh, Dr. Crawford Loritts, and John Piper!

Mellie Welsh talked about Heaven (first talk) and Letting Go of Idols (second talk).

Dr. Crawford Loritts (who a friend and I met in the elevator’s, just chilling in the morning in the elevators, doing our “Breakfast with Aaron and Darsie Show,”) talked about the 5 Value Statements of Solomon (first talk), Prayer without Ceasing (second talk), and Life Lessons from a Samaritan (third talk).

Then it was John Piper. His two talks were God’s Passion for His Glory (first talk) and Holy Ambition (second talk).

Piper’s quote that I love that he mentioned was:

“God is most glorified in me when I'm most satisfied in Him.”

But one thing that I took out of the whole thing was it’s time to grow up (John Piper’s second talk—the Holy Ambition talk), and to be fully surrendered to what God wants to do with me, which was His intent for my creation. Over TCX, I finally was obedient to serving with Campus Crusade for Christ after I get done with undergrad with St Cloud State University in the May of 2011. What would I do with Campus Crusade for Christ? I don’t know. That’s the beautiful thing. I am open to either stinting over in Ghana for a year (a yearlong placement overseas as an intern helping reaching college students in foreign countries) or interning with Crusade on my campus for at least a year, am open, and am thinking and praying about interning at SCSU for two years. Reasoning for two years is the guys who I have in mind to disciple/lead in a bible study, I want to be there for them for most of their college career and help them grow in Christ. That’s kind of weird, but I feel like God has put them on my heart for a reason and if this is what He wants me to do, I will do.

And one of the things I want to do this year is being nicer to people. That may sound weird if you haven’t seen or experience this side of me, but I can be a jerk to people, especially when I joke around with people. I want to stop being a jerk.

But yes. I was able to connect with two of my bible study dudes at TCX, and had a two and a half hour conversation with one of them at TCX and it seemed to only be an half hour and both of us didn’t want to end the conversation. That meant a lot to me. You know who you are, if you read this, and again, thank you for that. That conversation meant a lot to me. Thanks, and I love you bro.

To wrap this blog up, thanks ya’ll who read this. I appreciate it. It does amaze me that people do want to read what I have to say. It really boggles my mind. I even question myself on why do I write, and I have a passion for writing [which explains me writing for, my major being Philosophy, and my minor (not officially yet) being Creative Writing]. God could very well use that to bring Himself glory and honor. And if so, that would be awesome. But to end it, I want to leave you guys with a verse. Jesus prayed this for us all. It’s John 17:24-26. This verse comes from the first talk John Piper gave during TCX. Thanks everybody!

John 17:24-26:

“24-26Father, I want those you gave me
To be with me, right where I am,
So they can see my glory, the splendor you gave me,
Having loved me
Long before there ever was a world.
Righteous Father, the world has never known you,
But I have known you, and these disciples know
That you sent me on this mission.
I have made your very being known to them—
Who you are and what you do—
And continue to make it known,
So that your love for me
Might be in them
Exactly as I am in them.”

[The Message]

“24Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world. 25O righteous Father, even though the world does not know you, I know you, and these know that you have sent me. 26I made known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them."

[English Standard Version]

1 comment:

  1. TCX was truly awesome. I'm just disappointed I didn't hang out more with any of our Bible Study people more. :/ Oh well, see you next week!

