Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Stand Back New School!

Listing to a 1987 Vince McMahon singing "Stand Back" from the album 'Piledriver,' made me think of the Old School WWF versus today's New School WWE. Difference, well, the new school "got the 'F' out..." That was their slogan back in 2002 with the name change. Anyways... The WWF I am thinking of is the 80's to mid to late 90's WWF. Wrestling seemed real, they had a different cast of characters, some big and buff, some giants, some midgets, some fat guys, some rich guys, some International Superstars, classic guys, and so on. These days, it's all big and buffed up guys on 'roids, even though the WWE may deny such fact. Today's wrestling 'roided out wrestlers include Triple H, John Cena, Batista, just to name a few. Triple H, it isn't hard to see that he's on 'roids... He's the boss's son-in-law, he can get away with anything. Cena, look at his arms, his legs, his chest... He's only in his early 30's, and he's super huge... Batista, only thing I need to say about him is look at his neck and his popping out veins. Enough said. And today's storylines aren't believeable, unlike ten years ago and more. Today's wrestlers don't have the wrestling skills that actually make them believeable on their techincal ability. Today's wrestlers are brawlers. They don't wrestle. And if they do, it's only a couple of moves. What happened to the Shawn Michaels', the Ric Flair's, the Bret and Owen Hart's, the Jeff Jarrett's, and so on? Yes, Michaels is still around, but not for much longer, his body can't hold up for much more. Yes, Chris Jericho is around, and a few others, but how much respect do they get as top guys and World Champs? Not much, just read my blog from last week about John Cena being overrated and Jericho being underrated... This is why I dont like today's wrestling as much. If you can get a old VHS or DVD of wrestling from the mid 90's or earlier (before such), I'll be happy sitting down and watching over catching today's crap, or even lack there-of.

...Stand back new school!...

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